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In the December issue of Prescrire International:
Tibolone and breast cancer: evidence of increased risk

FREE DOWNLOAD Tibolone increases the risk of breast cancer and stroke. It is better to avoid it.
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  • Tibolone is a synthetic steroid marketed for the treatment of menopausal symptoms.
  • A cohort study of women with no history of breast cancer showed that tibolone was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. In women with a history of breast cancer, a placebo-controlled trial showed a higher risk of breast cancer recurrence with tibolone.
  • A placebo-controlled trial of half the standard dose of tibolone showed no increased risk of breast cancer but was interrupted due to an increased risk of stroke.
  • In practice, it is better simply not to use tibolone. 

 ©Prescrire December 2010

"Tibolone and breast cancer" Prescrire Int 2010 ; 19 (111) : 281. (Pdf, free)

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