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"Preventing Overdiagnosis 2022": an international conference to be held in Calgary, 9-12 June

The not-for-profit group "Preventing Overdiagnosis", dedicated to "winding back the harms of too much medicine", will be holding its 2022 conference in Calgary, Canada.

The "Preventing Overdiagnosis" conference covers how physicians, researchers and patients can implement solutions to the problems of overdiagnosis and overuse in the healthcare system. A strict policy of no industry funding or sponsorship, either direct or indirect, applies to all Preventing Overdiagnosis conferences and associated activities.

Preventing Overdiagnosis

  • Equity & Equality: disparities in healthcare provision, marginalized populations, conflicts of interest driving inequity.
    AP. Loai Alboquari (AUS) – Prof. France Légaré (CA) – Dr. Nav Persaud (CA)
  • Sustainability and lessons learned from COVID-19: repurposing healthcare after a pandemic.
    Dr. Minna Johansson (SE) – Dr. Deborah Korenstein (US) – Dr. Wendy Levinson (CA)
  • The role of specialists in generating Overdiagnosis and their efforts to mitigate it
    AP. Luis Correia (BR) – Prof. Laura Esserman (US) – Ms. Luise Kazda (AUS)
  • Medicalizing citizens: the harms of screening, disease thresholds, industry influences, the role of media.
    Prof. Allen Frances (US) – Prof. Shelly Hwang (US) – Dr. James Dickinson (CA)
  • Promotional messaging vs neutral messaging – impact on individual breast screening decisions when information is suppressed.
    Dr. Cécile Bour (FR) – Dr. Mette Kalager (NO) – Prof. Scott Klarenbach (CA)
  • Clinical Practice: Other dimensions of ODx, overtesting and the harms of too much medicine.
    Prof. Otis Brawley (US) – Marisa Vigna (CA)
  • The role of health systems and performance measures in Overdiagnosis.
    Prof. Todd Anderson (CA) – Dr. Fiona Clement (CA) – Dr. Jessica Otte (CA) - Anni Rychtera  CA)

For details and to register: > www.preventingoverdiagnosis.net

©Prescrire 10 May 2022

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For details and
to register :

> Preventing Overdiagnosis