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Imiquimod 3.75% cream (Zyclara°) in actinic keratosis

In Focus An imiquimod 3.75% cream came onto the French market in 2021, under the brand name Zyclara°. It has a lower dose strength than Aldara° (3.75% instead of 5%), and it is applied daily for two 14-day periods. What do Prescrire's editors make of this new product?

Prescrire's rating

  •  NOTHING NEW  With 28 applications per course of treatment versus 12 with imiquimod 5%, the total amount of drug administered is greater. Yet, as it has only been compared with placebo, there is no evidence that imiquimod 3,75% represents a therapeutic advance. 

A drug is sometimes used at a low dose strength rather than a high one in order to reduce the cumulative dose to which the patient is exposed, thereby lessening any dose-dependent adverse effects. What if this low-strength product actually delivers a higher dose?

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©Prescrire 1 September 2022

Source: "Imiquimod 3.75% cream (Zyclara°) in actinic keratosis" Prescrire International 2022; 31 (240): 204-205. Subscribers only.

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