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Prescrire's Information Awards for 2019: just 6 drug companies (out of 112 contacted) are honoured for the quality of information provided

Prescrire Drug Information Award Prescrire's annual Information Awards recognise drug companies which respond to Prescrire's requests with complete and relevant information. In 2019, only a half-dozen drug companies (out of 112 companies contacted by Prescrire's editors with information requests) embraced transparency, in the best interest of patients.

As part of its systematic literature search, Prescrire contacts drug companies to request data and to cross-check it against information obtained from other sources: clinical trial data, drug packaging materials, administrative and regulatory information.

Prescrire's Information Awards reflect how each company assumes this responsibility to share information. The Award's aim is to reward companies that have a responsible policy on the provision of information, and to urge companies that fail in this responsibility to do better.

In 2019, Prescrire's editors requested information from 112 companies. Some companies choose to be transparent with Prescrire, and demonstrate this by sending quality information that is relevant to Prescrire's requests. 6 such companies were placed on the "Honours List" for 2019. Only one among them provided useful, detailed data early on, and sometimes without being asked, and was hence recognised as "Outstanding": EG Labo.

Other drug companies failed to respond, or responded too little, or too irregularly, to Prescrire's requests for information. Some of them delayed their response, and then failed to provide usable information. Some omitted the most relevant or sensitive data. "Red Cards" are given when too many such failings pile up. 14 drug companies were given a Red Card for 2019.

Yet again in 2019, very few drug companies were willing to share the data in their possession with healthcare professionals. Surely patients and healthcare professionals have the right to be informed of all the data obtained on a given drug, in order to decide, with full knowledge of the facts, whether to use it or not?

©Prescrire 30 January 2020

"The Prescrire Awards for 2019" Prescrire Int 2020; 29 (213): 77-81. (Pdf, free)

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See also:

The Prescrire Awards
for 2019