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  The 2021 "Prescrire Prize" is awarded
  to 4 books about health and healthcare

The recipients of the 2021 "Prix Prescrire" book awards were announced in Paris on 7 October 2021. The prize is awarded to books or other works of particular interest to the general public and/or healthcare professionals.

Prix Prescrire 2021Amongst the works and documents reviewed in our
French edition from October 2020 to September 2021,
the Prescrire Editorial Staff has awarded
the 2021 Prescrire Prize to the works 
listed below.

Pesticides. Comment ignorer ce que l'on sait
(Pesticides. How can what is known still be ignored?)

Pesticides. Comment ignorer ce que l'on sait Jouzel JN "Pesticides. Comment ignorer ce que l'on sait"
SciencesPo Les Presses, Paris 2019: 262 pages, €21.
Sociologist Jean-Noël Jouzel carried out an investigation in France and in the USA to find out what leads the regulatory agencies responsible for authorising the marketing of certain pesticides to wilfully ignore certain scientific data when these data have not been generated according to official toxicological norms. This rich and well-documented book describes the reasons why certain information is quashed while other information is taken into account. In France, promotion of pesticides by the Ministry of Agriculture and farmers' associations has also caused pesticides to be perceived as modern products which improve productivity, rather than as dangers to occupational health and safety. > Learn more (in French)

Prendre soin des patients en toute sécurité (Caring for patients safely)

Prendre soin des patients en toute sécuritéChanelière M "Prendre soin des patients en toute sécurité"
Le Coudrier, Brignais 2019: 172 pages, €29.50.

Marc Chanelière has been studying medical error ever since he wrote his 2005 medical school thesis on the impact of adverse events on the practice of general practitioners. In the interim, this instructor in general medicine has been exploring and enriching this area of research, including the analysis of serious adverse events related to ambulatory care. "Caring for patients safely" is a practical guide based on the author's experience, aimed at healthcare professionals practising in the community, at teachers, and at their students, who are faced with this topic very early on during their practical training. > Learn more (in French)

Communiquer pour tous. Guide pour une information accessible
(Communicating for everyone. A guide for accessible information)

Communiquer pour tous. Guide pour une information accessibleRuel J et al. "Communiquer pour tous. Guide pour une information accessible". Santé publique France, Saint-Maurice 2018: 112 pages. Avalaible for free download (in French) at: www.santepubliquefrance.fr.
French public health agency Santé publique France and Université du Québec en Outaouais published this guide in order to help healthcare professionals, public and private organisations, social services agencies and associations to improve the quality of their health information, to make it understandable by the largest possible number of people. This guide is part of a series of ongoing initiatives to improve access to information by the most vulnerable people, internationally and in the French-speaking world. > Learn more (in French) 

Lulu va être opérée ! (Lulu is having an operation!)

Lulu va être opérée ! Réseau-Lucioles "Lulu va être opérée ! Handicap, grande dépendance: des outils et des conseils pour réussir un parcours chirurgical complexe" 2021: 132 pages. Available for free download (in French) on the website: www.lulu-va-etre-operee.org, or for order online at the same site for €20 plus delivery.
Lulu is a young woman with a significant disability. She doesn't walk, doesn't feed herself, doesn't speak. Lulu is in hospital for a surgical intervention and it's not an easy thing to live with: not for her, nor for her family, nor for the people who normally care for her, nor for the healthcare practitioners. "Lulu va être opérée !" is aimed at all of them. There are currently very few critical assessments available on the themes covered in this book. The book contains numerous concrete, practical suggestions to improve the patient's hospital experience. Most of the suggestions are very far ahead of what the healthcare system usually offers, or is able to provide for complex patients. > Learn more (in French)

©Prescrire 7 October 2021

"Prix Prescrire 2021" Rev Prescrire 2021; 41 (456): IV. (pdf in French, free)

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For more information:

"Prix Prescrire 2021”
(October 2021)
Free (in French)

"Rules governing
the Prescrire Prize”
(October 2021)
Pdf, free

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