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Recurring criticisms of Prescrire: how do we answer?

  Outlook   Ever since Prescrire was launched in 1981, it has been criticised for its method of analysis, editorial process and certain editorial choices. This article addresses a few of the recurring criticisms levelled against Prescrire.
Full article available for download by subscribers

©Prescrire 1 June 2024

Source: "Recurring criticisms of Prescrire: how do we answer?" Prescrire Int 2024; 33 (260): 166-167. Subscribers only.

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See also:

"Proving a treatment's efficacy.
Double-blind randomised
comparative trials,
the foundation of a rigorous
scientific approach"
Prescrire Int 2023;
32 (249): 162-165..
Subscribers only

"Queries and comments:
does Prescrire's editorial staff
have conflicts of interest?"
Prescrire Int 2011;
20 (119): 221-222.

"Prescrire's systematic,
collective editing process
ensures reliable,
independent analysis"