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Revision of European pharmaceutical legislation: an opportunity to transform the system of R&D incentives

 Outlook   In the context of the ongoing revision of European pharmaceutical legislation, a report by the European Parliament's Panel for the Future of Science and Technology has set out options for major changes to Europe's pharmaceutical research and development (STOA) system. Here, Prescrire publishes excerpts from the report's insightful analyses providing clarifications in the form of editors' notes.
Full article (4 pages) available for download (free)

©Prescrire 1 January 2025

Source: "Revision of European pharmaceutical legislation: an opportunity to transform the system of R&D incentives" Prescrire Int 2025; 34 (266): 24-27. Free.

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See also:
"Impending changes
to European pharmaceutical
regulations. Part I.
Civil society's analysis
of the Commission's proposals:
major changes ahead,
improvements needed"
Prescrire Int 2022;
31 (243): 302-304

"Impending changes
to European pharmaceutical
regulations. Part II.
The European Parliamentary
Research Service in favour
of a European Medicines
Prescrire Int 2023;