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Mediator° disaster: the damning appeal judgement

 Outlook   In late December 2023, the Paris appeal court found the pharmaceutical company Servier guilty of all the criminal offences of which it was accused: "aggravated deception", "aggravated involuntary bodily harm and manslaughter", "fraud" and "improperly obtaining" and subsequently renewing marketing authorisation for benfluorex (Mediator°, since withdrawn). Prescrire has published excerpts from the 1101-page judgement, illustrating the position of the appeal judges on Servier's culpability.
Full article (4 pages) available for download (free)

©Prescrire 1 December 2024

Source: "Mediator° disaster: the damning appeal judgement" Prescrire Int 2024; 33 (265): 303-306. Free.

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See also:

"Mediator° trial appeal:
a judgement that better
reflects the harm done"
Prescrire Int 2024;
33 (261): 194.

"France's Mediator° trial
reveals a cosy Relationship
between représentatives
of the French drug
regulatory agency
and an influential company"
Prescrire Int 2021;
30 (232): 305-306.
"Mediator° - the criminal trial.
Prescrire and Mediator°
since 1986"