Advancing healthcare policy

Advancing healthcare policy in Europe: a chronological recap of actions

A recap of actions in 2013
Medical devices legislation: regaining the trust of European citizens (May 2013)

Paris, 7 May 2013

A joint press release by AIM, ISDB and MiEF supports the draft report by MEP Roth-Berendt, rapporteur for the Environnent and public health (ENVI) Commmittee, as this draft report improves upon the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on medical devices. Notably, the draft report includes greater protection for patients by strengthening the evaluation of high-risk medical devices before marketing approval.

> Click here to download the joint press release (pdf, 213 Ko)

AIM, ISDB, MiEF and the European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) have also developed a joint communication campaign, entitled "Medical Devices: True or False?", sent to Members of the European Parliament and European newspapers at the beginning of May 2013.

> Click here to download the joint campaign "Medical devices: True or false?" (pdf, 337 Ko)

©Prescrire May 2013